Who We Are

EVREN Northwest, Inc. (ENW) is a Pacific Northwest environmental and natural resources consulting firm based in Portland, Oregon. ENW specializes in natural resource and environmental investigations, regulatory compliance and permitting, cleanup and remediation, hydrogeologic and geotechnical studies, and assessment of human health and ecological risk. Additionally, ENW has an in-house Certified Indoor Environmentalist for mold/mildew investigations and remediation as well as architectural support services for the purposes of evaluating building conditions.

ENW is unique in that the company’s founder is a former environmental regulator who is well-versed and experienced in environmental laws and regulations as well as their practical implementation. Additionally, the principals of ENW have worked within the corporate structure of prominent engineering firms located in the Pacific Northwest and have performed scientific and engineering studies on a wide range of natural resource evaluation and management projects.


EVREN Northwest (ENW) was founded in 1998 by environmental and natural resource professionals with extensive regulatory and private consulting experience. It was our desire to make exceptional professional abilities available to the business community, providing efficient, innovative, and economic solutions to complex environmental problems. Since that time, ENW has provided environmental services to a wide range of clients. Our clients have included health organizations, hotel/motel chains, commercial and residential developers, banks, parties to real estate transactions, investors, industrialists, automobile dealerships and servicing facilities, insurance companies, public service agencies, public and private schools, and other consulting companies. In fact, ENW services are utilized by many other environmental consulting firms because of the skills and abilities available on-staff. 


ENW’s small size allows us to perform our tasks efficiently and economically, without the bureaucratic inefficiencies and higher costs of larger companies. By providing our services in-house, we can deliver prompt, efficient service while maintaining high quality standards. ENW works with clearly defined subcontractor support, where needed, in order to add value and capacity to our team.

ENW project managers are oriented toward providing results. Our project managers act as the single point of authority and responsibility with calculated management and execution of their overseen projects. Their past regulatory experience ensures regulatory compliance and efficient, effective results pertaining to environmental issues. Our project managers’ extensive experience with natural resource management, assessment, and design is implemented for the benefit of our clients. Because of this, our clients include many other consulting firms in the Pacific Northwest and California, as well as developers, contractors, non-profits, and commercial, industrial, and professional businesses.

ENW is committed to providing superior client service and prompt, reliable results. We strive to always keep our client’s project goals at the forefront of our work. ENW’s dedicated professionals understand your need for accurate, cost-effective solutions to today's environmental concerns. We emphasize thorough project documentation and can tailor Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) programs to meet your needs.


Compliance and Permitting

Storm Water


Remedial Investigations / Feasibility Studies


Operations & Maintenance of Remediation/Mitigations, Storm-water/UIC systems

Risk Assessments

Hazardous Waste

Beneficial Water and Land Use Surveys

Building and Development

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

Phase II Environmental Site Assessments

Hazardous Materials Surveys (including lead-based paint and asbestos)

Radon Assessments

Indoor Air Quality Assessments

Property Conditions Assessments

Geophysical Surveys

Institutional and Engineering Controls

Land Assessments and Investigations

Geologic Assessments

Landslide Mitigation

Slope Stability Analysis and Monitoring

Geologic Hazard Assessments

Water Assessments and Investigations

Hydrogeologic Investigations

Water Resource Studies

Natural Resource Assessments (including wetlands and vegetated corridors)

Watershed and Stream Assessment, Monitoring, and Restoration

Additional Services

Geologic Mapping

Legal Witness

Environmental Oversight, Management, and Review