Senior Geologist
Barb Lary has over 20 years of experience in environmental geology, working for private and public clients on projects throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Project sites have included wood products and mill facilities, operating and closed mine operations, manufacturing and industrial facilities, agricultural and rural sites, multi-family residential, hotel/motel sites, office and commercial spaces.
Field experience includes:
Collection of soil, soil vapor, sediment, surface water, groundwater and indoor air samples
Coring, logging and sampling subsurface material using sonic, air rotary, vibracore, hollow stem auger, mud rotary, direct-push, and limited access drilling methods.
Experienced installing monitoring wells, re-circulating wells, water supply wells, multiport groundwater sampling wells and soil gas wells.
Selection, calibration and use of a wide variety of water quality instrumentation and transducers
Accessing both urban and rural sites through difficult terrain.
Remedial system installation and decommissioning.
Project management experience includes:
Phase I/Phase IIs, remedial investigations, groundwater monitoring, landfill monitoring, surface water/stream monitoring
Scoping, budgeting, proposals
Field sampling plans, quality assurance project plans, and work plan preparation
Coordinating field work, drilling programs with multiple personnel and subcontractors
Data management; validation and evaluating field and analytical results
Regulation review (federal and multiple states)
Writing final reports and communicating results to the client
Writing contractor specifications
Managed field investigations, writing and implementing health and safety plans, permitting, completing field activities, and communicating with client and subcontractors.
When not working out in the field, Barb can be found digging in her own yard, always adding to the garden that surrounds her home. She also enjoys a hike in the woods and reading a good book!
B.S. Geology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
M.S. Engineering Geology, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana